September 5, 2018
Crisfield-Somerset County Times
PRINCESS ANNE — Princess Anne’s planning commission approved a subdivision and final site plan for Dunkin’ Donuts to be located by U.S. 13 in front of the southwest corner of the Princess Anne Village shopping center.
Brock Parker of Parker & Associates, who prepared the schematics presented to the board last Thursday, said franchise owner Nick Nistazos is “anxious to get started” and this approval paves the way for the sale of the outlot to be finalized.
A preliminary site plan had been approved in late January — a procedure which helped the developer gain financing — and it’s been through various reviews and approvals over the last several months.
The building is over 2,300 sq. ft. in size but the number of seats has yet to be determined. Access will be through the existing parking lot and the eatery will have
a drive-thru window which is anticipated to handle 70 percent or more of the business.
Mr. Parker said hours are typically 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
The shopping plaza, which in cludes Caesar’s Pizza, Print & Ship and other businesses, opened in 2010 and always intended to have commercial lots available in front for development. The town’s code enforcer and public works director Tracy Grangier said this latest project takes into account tree planting, parking and stormwater management. “I know everybody’s been anxious for this,” she said.
Planning Commission Chair Jon Spicer and the full board backed the project with a unanimous vote. “It’s going to be nice,” Mr. Spicer said.